
Plans within Plans

So, yet another blog post this week? Weird, huh? Look, I’m bored and feeling creative, so live with it. Along the same lines, let’s talk about my upcoming plans. I recently asked y’all what you thought I should do, regarding the website and my content. Well, I only received one response, via Twitter, and it […]


Care for a few Rants?

So, I’ve been putting up content over on YouTube again, even though I said I’d never do that ever again. I know, I know, my hypocrisy knows no bounds! But hey, it isn’t entirely my fault. My “main” YT channel is where I have been dumping my replays and Clips, because “why would I let […]


And so it begins…

Well, I heard back from my Cardiologist, and they cannot patch the hole in my heart (officially an Atrial Septal Defect) with the “Easy Way” outpatient patch procedure. It simply won’t work, due to the nature of the defect (it’s too ragged). So my Cardiologist moved on to the next step, which is consulting with […]