Plans within Plans

Plans within Plans post thumbnail image

So, yet another blog post this week? Weird, huh?

Look, I’m bored and feeling creative, so live with it.

Along the same lines, let’s talk about my upcoming plans. I recently asked y’all what you thought I should do, regarding the website and my content. Well, I only received one response, via Twitter, and it was asking for more videos on my “Scormey Rants” YouTube channel.

… and so, once November comes, there shall be more video rants! I already have two “in the can”, and should have all of November’s and part of December’s video rants done quite soon. It helps that I am over a year ahead on some of my upcoming content, so I am able to spend time focusing on Scormey Rants for a while now.

That said, I have other plans I’m working on, as well. Once I get everything comfortably in place, I will divide my available weekends between working on videos one week, making podcasts on a couple of other weekends, then taking at least one off for family time! Blogs can be written during my free time during the week, as needed.

You know how my Blog has mostly been just talking about the website, or my content therein, with occasional other topics to be discussed? Well, that won’t be changing. But what will be changing is the frequency of blog posts! Rather than just weekly posts every Sunday, I’m aiming for posts on Sundays and Thursdays at the very least, starting right now. I will also be bringing back the Video sub-category for the Blog, which will include embedded posts of my YouTube Rants every Tuesday morning, starting in November!

So, basically, you will see content six days a week at minimum, with my taking Saturdays off.

As you may also have noticed, I recently made some structural and graphical changes to this here website. I just felt we needed some basic changes, and I hope this new theme does the trick. There will be some minor adjustments here or there over time, but for now I think we have a decent format to work with, going forward.

Speaking of updates and changes, I am planning to update my home office into a permanent studio space, where I can record my videos, podcasts, as well as work on some projects I am doing on the side! I will be updating My Lovely Bride’s™ old Asus laptop, which was previously used for recording the “Knights of the Tabletop” podcast, into a dedicated podcasting and video recording/editing rig.

I will then be setting this old laptop up on my old computer desk in the office, along with setting up my webcam and microphone thereon, which should work really well for my purposes! Once I get everything set up, I will have the shelf holding my tabletop roleplaying games as a backdrop, which might even lead to an eventual face reveal?

Who knows?

Regardless, I’m fairly excited by these plans. But they will take time, as well as lot of work, so don’t expect it all to fall into place immediately. While I’m shooting for this all to really kick in the first week of November, I doubt the studio space will all be together by then. But I will get it going as soon as I can, at the very least! At the very least, though, I will be pumping out more Blog content as soon as I can get it written!

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