No, I really have nothing better to do.
As I write this, it is early on a Sunday morning, and I am watching people race in “GTA V”… because I can. I have spent the last evening not streaming on Twitch, because I took the night off to take My Lovely Bride™ out for Valentine’s Day (we had Mexican, it was okay). Afterwards, we hung out until she went to bed, then I recorded and edited one podcast episode, and seven videos for YouTube.
Yes, seven. 7. VII. Lots.
That said, I had no intention of recording that many videos, because why in Gawd’s name would I want to take care of the weekly content for that channel through half of April? Because I can, obviously. Also, I had the ideas in mind to do it, and I think most of them came out really well. One is damn awesome, and I can’t wait to see it drop… sometime in April…
Yes, I plan on recording even more videos tonight. Why? Because I want to get ahead on that content, just as we’re getting ahead on the “Knights of the Tabletop” podcast episodes, ultimately planning to be pre-recorded through June before I go out for surgery.
You see, neither KOTT and “Scormey Rants” require us to be ‘topical’, and allows me to get the content produced well in advance, which is damn convenient! I can’t do that with the blog, I can’t do that with “Pixels & Dice”, at least not as far out as we can with KOTT and SR. Of course, we can’t do that at all with Twitch or it’s related YouTube channel, due to their very nature. Finally, our dogs’ YouTube channel (“Sausage and the Streak“) is dependant entirely upon the video content I can get from My Lovely Bride™, so I expect it will become very spotty, as we progress into the Spring.
But if we could get some video recorded of the dogs, I could certainly get some premade shows done for that channel. I just need some video!
That’s a hint, if you are reading this, My Love.
Anyway, I’m basically focusing on “Scormey Rants” for now, as that’s the only content I can create on my own now. Everything else is dependant to at least some degree on one or more of my family or friends, which is fine, but doesn’t help me get the larders packed, so to speak.
Interesting races in “GTA V”, though. If you haven’t checked out the YouTube channel “FailRace“, you absolutely should. Good fun!