
Content is Killing Me!

I have a problem. You see, I go through these cycles. Sometimes I get into moods where I can produce serious amounts of content, be it videos, podcasts, blog entries, whatever. But then there are the Other Times. You know, when I’m sitting here, or a beautiful Saturday morning, looking at my upcoming posts for […]


Fairely Good News!

Let’s just get this out of the way now: Canterbury Renaissance Faire runs this coming weekend (7-20 & 7-21), as well as next weekend (7-27 & 7-28), just outside of Silverton, OR. If you’re in the area, you really need to drop by this event, it is one of the best Renaissance Faires in the […]


Change, for the sake of it

And so, do I change things up here again, because I can. I’ve been playing a heck-ton of “Lord of the Rings Online” over the last couple of months, mostly on the weekend livestreams, and frankly, it’s getting me down a tad. Sure, I’m getting a good measure of viewers and interaction from playing LOTRO, […]


Back to basics

Hey everybody! Time to drop in with a new blog post, updating you on what’s going on around here! First, I tried going to a mostly-set five livestreams per weekend schedule, and that isn’t really panning out. Between doing the “Pixels & Dice” podcast every few weeks, trying to spend time with Tenknife and our […]


Going Forward

So, once again, you can expect my Twitch schedule to change in the very near future. I expect it will take some fine-tuning over the next few weeks, but here’s what I have in mind: More Livestreams, featuring More Games! Up until now, I’ve been primarily showcasing “Lord of the Rings Online” on my channel, […]