Let’s just get this out of the way now: Canterbury Renaissance Faire runs this coming weekend (7-20 & 7-21), as well as next weekend (7-27 & 7-28), just outside of Silverton, OR. If you’re in the area, you really need to drop by this event, it is one of the best Renaissance Faires in the Northwest! My Lovely Bride™ and I will be attending all four days, so maybe we will see you there!
Okay, now then, clearly I’ve had “RenFaire on the Brain” lately, getting ready for Canterbury, but also for different reasons. You see, what with the growing success of our new roleplaying podcast, “Knights of the Tabletop”, I’ve been thinking that maybe it is time to bring back one of my old podcasts. Specifically, I’m thinking about reviving “Roleplay Domain”.
Okay, so what is “Roleplay Domain”? It was a solo podcast I used to produce weekly, wherein I talked about Tabletop Roleplaying games, Cosplay, Live-Action Roleplaying (LARP), and of course, Renaissance Faires. It wasn’t very popular, but I enjoyed it, and this would give me a chance to ‘Fly Solo’ again, like I used to!
… Not that I dislike doing podcasts with Beoulus and others, mind you! I’m just thinking this would be a good vehicle for a solo podcast, since – unless I can get Tenknife interested in doing the show – not many of my friends are that into RenFaires and the sort.
So, look for that soonish, I guess.
Anyway, because we’ll be at Canterbury the next couple of weekends, so my streaming schedule on Twitch will have to change some. I’ll possibly stream more actually, but for shorter periods of time, Friday through Monday, as I’m taking four day weekends. But more likely, I’ll livestream on Friday evening and Monday night. I expect I might stream on Sunday night, too, but that depends on how tired I am after Faire.
Well, that’s about it. Talk to you again next week!… Oh, by the way, I’m going to try to blog more, at least once a week being my goal for the rest of the year!