Back to basics

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Hey everybody! Time to drop in with a new blog post, updating you on what’s going on around here!

First, I tried going to a mostly-set five livestreams per weekend schedule, and that isn’t really panning out. Between doing the “Pixels & Dice” podcast every few weeks, trying to spend time with Tenknife and our puppy-kids, and just getting in some rest, I don’t really have time for five sessions every weekend. So I’m going back to doing three livestream sessions each weekend, with “Lord of the Rings Online” and “Secret World Legends” being played on Saturday and Sunday evenings (9pm Pacific), respectively. This leaves just the Saturday morning (9am Pacific) session open for, well, whatever I feel like playing. I expect I’ll rotate through “Guild Wars 2”, “Rift”, and “Trove” quite a lot (with an emphasis on “Rift”), but I’m open to playing other games, too.

So, this means that there won’t be enough Replays to cover every weekday, right? What do?! Well, I have that covered, and you’re seeing it right now. Replays will appear every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at a minimum. If I have time to do additional livestreams on a given weekend, I will be able to post something on the remaining weekdays, but if not, Tuesdays will be open for a weekly blog post (or perhaps something else), and of course there’s always the podcast taking care of a Thursday post.

Now then, October is coming quite quickly, and that means HALLOWEEN! Yes, I’m a huge fan of Autumn, and Halloween in particular, so we’ll be celebrating that most awesome of holidays all month long! My plan is to focus on horror-related content in the livestreams, be it playing more “Secret World Legends”, or just focusing on scary/horror content in other games. This will start the last weekend in September, so there will be appropriate Replay content all October long, straight through Halloween week!

Okay, let’s talk Podcasts for a minute. You all know Beoulus and I put out the “Pixels & Dice” podcast every week on this very website, but did you know we have room for co-hosts and even part-time guests on the show? Yes, it’s true! We’ve had a slew of different co-hosts and occasional guests on the show, and would love to have more! So if you enjoy the podcast, have a decent headset (or better yet, headphones and a good microphone), can use Discord, and are available on Sunday mornings, we’d love to talk to you about being on the show! Just let me know you have an interest, and we can chat about it, before bringing you onto the Discord server to see if all three of us gel as a team.

On a related note, you may well know that I have spent the better portion of my podcasting career working solo. Well, I’m considering doing that again, by starting a short, solo weekly podcast. This would just be me ranting about a single recent issue each week, and it would be added into the normal P&D podcast feed, as additional content. But with the holidays rapidly approaching, I believe I will hold off on this idea until the start of 2019, unless I do a ‘pilot’ show, just to see how well it is received.

So anyway, that’s about it for this week. There’s more news I could talk about, but I want to leave it for this week’s podcast on Thursday, so if you aren’t subscribed to P&D, now would be a good time to do so and start listening. I have some pretty big news to share there, which relates directly to the future of the podcast and this website as a whole, so listen in, chums!

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