Here’s what I have planned for this weekend’s live streams at
Saturday at 4pm UTC – LOTRO
Sunday at 4am UTC – LOTRO
Monday at 4am UTC – LOTRO
In between, at various times, I will also play other games, and may even get a chance to play with Tenknife again at some point. But it will mostly be LOTRO.
Then again, I’m not so sure that is entirely set in stone. While I’d like to do at least two LOTRO streams this weekend, they need not be during my “featured” streams on Saturday at 9am (4pm UTC), and Saturday and Sunday at 9pm (Sunday/Monday at 4am UTC). I usually do something after those late/early streams, which easily could be LOTRO, leaving me room to do something else during my featured stream times.
Something like “Trove”, “Rift”, “The Secret World”/”Secret World Legends”, “Guild Wars 2”, or maybe even “Elder Scrolls Online”, if I can figure out how to get it working properly with OBS. In fact, ESO looks like an excellent choice, because plenty of people are watching those streams, with a relatively small number of streamers showing it off, during my usual stream times.
In the end, I want to stream LOTRO, because I enjoy the game, and it does have a solid – if small – backing on Twitch. But I have also pretty much stalled out on growth for my channel, and in fact have started to fall back in viewership, even when featuring LOTRO. Perhaps this is because Standing Stone Games has failed to feature my Twitch channel on their weekly “LOTRO Beacon” newsletter in months? This despite my hosting not only their Twitch channel but many of their Twitch team on my channel.
At least BigEdMustafa shows Scormey some love from time to time, with a Raid here or there. He and his folk are really cool, and always a much appreciated group when they drop by!
I don’t know. I guess this whole thing just has me down right now. I see other streamers starting up, getting more support, and consequently doing better than I am, despite my solid support of LOTRO, and it’s frustrating. Even when I was having technical issues with the game a few months back, and couldn’t livestream LOTRO without crashing, I still kept trying to make it work, even with the frustrations.
I could have walked away then. Maybe I should have?