We’re Back, Baby!

We’re Back, Baby! post thumbnail image

So, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we haven’t been doing much in the way of weekly podcasts on this website for the last couple of months. Sure, “Knights of the Tabletop”, our actual-play roleplaying podcast has continued unabated, but we recorded those months ago, before my surgery put everything else on hold for a while.

What hasn’t been going on is our other two podcasts, “Roleplay Domain” and “Pixels & Dice”. RD went on Hiatus in March, due to a number of factors, and P&D went on Hiatus at the end of June, because of my surgery.

But that’s all over with now!

As of this week, we’re bringing back both of those shows, albeit rebranded and updated some. “Roleplay Domain” has just been cancelled, and replaced with the new-and-improved show, but in a similar vein, “+1 Podcast of Slaying”. This is still a solo endeavor on my part, which gives me a venue to talk about roleplaying games and events, as I see fit, on my own time. It is a much more laid back and casual show than our other gaming podcast.

Speaking of that other show, “Pixels & Dice”, it has been rebranded and updated. The new name: “Loot Mechanics”. Beoulus and I will still be talking about All Things Gaming on this show, but we’re changing the format some, trying to make things a little punchier, rather than just rambling on from one topic to the next. Basically, I’m going for a more professional production, this time around. That said, we’re still working out the kinks, so bear with us, while we get everything straightened out.

Since RD is now cancelled, you will have to subscribe to +1PoS, as it does not share the same feed. “Loot Mechanics” shares the same feed as “Pixels & Dice”, so if you were subscribed to P&D, you are already subbed to LM. You’re welcome, by the way.

Just as an aside, I was posting two blog posts a week. That is being reduced to just one post a week, on Sundays, unless something pressing comes up. Then you may see posts on Tuesday or Thursday, but that’s about it. I see the blog post(s) as ancillary to the podcasts on this site, a nice bonus, and a way for me to communicate my thoughts on… whatever… as I see fit. It hasn’t been the main draw of this website for a very long time now.

People come for the podcasts, and they are back!

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