It Came From Kickstarter! – Dungeon Craft

It Came From Kickstarter! – Dungeon Craft post thumbnail image

First things first: As always, this is not a sponsored article. Just 100%, pure Opinion.

Anyway, you all know I’m a big Roleplayer. I run three podcasts that cover the hobby in some form, two of which are specifically about roleplaying directly. So you know I’m always looking for new stuff to make things easier for running my tabletop games, many of which I’ve found on Kickstarter.

Dungeon Craft would be among the best of those projects I’ve backed.

So, what is Dungeon Craft, anyway? Well, it is a collection of 2D images that can be used on a standard grid mat, to detail out your map. Everything from already detailed rooms and such to build out a dungeon map, to rocks, bushes, and other finer details. All of these coming in a card-stock book form, where you can cut out what you need to use, and leave the rest behind for later use.

It’s actually a really great idea, although I expect I’ll just get all the bits and such out, and store them for easy access. But that’s just me, Your Mileage May Vary™

Anyway, I actually met lone of the guys behind this project, while at the first weekend of Canterbury Renaissance Faire. He and his friend weren’t there for Dungeon Craft, instead were selling bottles of “Magical Potions” for roleplayers (which is to say, polyhedral dice sets in bottles, labelled as various potions), and in our chatting about roleplaying, they just happened to mention Dungeon Craft. Nice guys, and they are clearly passionate about this project.

By the way, My Lovely Bride™ and I bought multiple large ‘potions’, and you should back this Kickstarter. There is still a couple of weeks left to get on board the Dungeon Craft train!

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