
A Successful Weekend

So as I posted last week, I’m making some changes with my Twitch livestream schedule and content. Specifically, I am changing the games I play, and not worrying too much about the… backlash, let’s say. I played four different games this last weekend, and the results were quite telling, in a positive way: Saturday 9am […]


Changing Things, Again…

If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve started making changes here on the website, as well as on my Twitch channel. These may well have a rather lasting effect on both platforms. First of all, let’s talk about I know most people don’t bother checking out the majority of my content here, because it is […]


Going Forward

So, once again, you can expect my Twitch schedule to change in the very near future. I expect it will take some fine-tuning over the next few weeks, but here’s what I have in mind: More Livestreams, featuring More Games! Up until now, I’ve been primarily showcasing “Lord of the Rings Online” on my channel, […]