Is Funcom even an MMORPG company anymore?Is Funcom even an MMORPG company anymore?
Let me say this, first thing: I love Funcom. My very first MMORPG was “Anarchy Online”, which I have fond memories of, and still play on occasion. One of my
So as I posted last week, I’m making some changes with my Twitch livestream schedule and content. Specifically, I am changing the games I play, and not worrying too much
If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve started making changes here on the website, as well as on my Twitch channel. These may well have a rather lasting effect on both
So, once again, you can expect my Twitch schedule to change in the very near future. I expect it will take some fine-tuning over the next few weeks, but here’s
As you may know, I’ve been looking for another solid game – preferably an MMORPG – to play and livestream on Twitch, that might help my channel grow. After doing
Here’s what I have planned for this weekend’s live streams at Saturday at 4pm UTC – LOTRO Sunday at 4am UTC – LOTRO Monday at 4am UTC – LOTRO