
Gaming to the Rescue?

I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I sincerely am. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the globe, forcing many into “Shelter in Place” confinement in their homes, video games were mainstream, but still mostly seen as something only children and young adults enjoyed. They weren’t for ‘real adults’, who were expected by society […]


Blame it on the Switch

So I didn’t do any Livestreaming last weekend. I took the weekend off, to simply relax and wind down, from a rather stressful week at work. Considering this will most likely remain a constant at work for the next few months, coupled with my health issues, I am setting aside my most intensive content creation, […]


RE: Your Quarantine

I had an entirely different blog written for today, but after some thought, felt I should post this instead: Stop whinging. Look, I get it. You’re stuck in your homes. These are uncertain times, you can’t just go out and do whatever you like, when you feel like it, and things seem like they may […]


Feeling a bit Cross

So, my wife and I have been playing the new “Animal Crossing” game on the Switch. More to the point, I’ve been playing the game, and My Lovely Brideā„¢ has actually been playing some sort of limited version of ACNH. This will not stand. I like the game, I really do, as does my wife. […]