
Podcasting Renaissance

Let me tell you a little tale. Once upon a time, there was a little group of podcasters that came together with their various shows, to form “The Gaming and Entertainment Network” (TGEN). There were many talented podcasters among this group, and for some strange reason, they asked me to be among their number as […]


Trying to stay optimistic

So, it’s been a bad few months in the Scormey household. I’ve had some medical issues, that keep snowballing, to the point where things have gotten quite serious. Here’s a brief recap: I contacted my doctor regarding some swallowing issues I was having, specifically choking on small bits of food, and pain in the upper […]



So, we’re blowing things up again. I know, I know… You’ve seen this happen many times before, and I get it. Change is Bad. But this is something I’ve been really needing to do for a while, especially the last couple of months. Anyway, what exactly are we talking about, when I say we’re blowing […]