
What Comes Next

As many of you know, I have been involved with an Actual-Play podcast – in one form or another – for several years. Beginning with when my brother Beoulus talked me into game-mastering and managing “Knights of the Tabletop” with our longtime gaming group back in 2019, which then lead into my doing a solo […]


“Perilous Roleplaying Game” is a Scam

Well, we’ve reached the 9-month mark since Jordan Palmer has last posted on Kickstarter regarding the status of his crowdfunded tabletop roleplaying game, “Perilous Roleplaying Game”. I covered this all back in January, on the six-month anniversary of that last post, feel free to read that first, before you continue on here. Extremely short re-cap: […]


Words in the Wind

So, here we are again, with more Changes to the website and its scheduled content. Specifically, if you are a regular visitor here, you might be wondering where the usual Wednesday post is, being “NPC of the Week”. Well, that’s simple, really… You don’t exist, because we don’t have regular visitors, and nobody read the […]