
Kicking my habit

I hate Kickstarter. I love Kickstarter. I really need to step away from that damn website, one way or the other! … and I may have been able to do just that. I have previously talked in this space about how my use of Kickstarter to collect new tabletop roleplaying games over the last couple […]


Well, that didn’t last long

Recently, I have talked about my desire to return to “World of Warcraft”, despite all of my disdain for Blizzard and the game itself. I talked about “Addictive Nostalgia”, the recurring nature of cycling from one MMORPG to the next, and so on. In the end, I found it to be a near-certainty that I […]


The Weaver of Fate

So, what does it mean to “win” as a GameMaster in a tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG), like “Dungeons & Dragons”? Frankly, you don’t. But at the same time, you should always win… No, I’m not having a stroke. That will make sense shortly, I promise! Look, I’ve said it many times before: Everyone at the […]