Planning Ahead

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So, you’ll be seeing less livestreams from me the next week or so. Why? Because I am doing some extra-secret recordings, not to mention some system tests, to be ready for some off-time I’ll be taking this summer.

You see, my wife and I are “Rennies”, which is to say, we are aficionados of Renaissance Faires. We dress up in period garb, wander around the faire grounds and interact with venders, performers, and other Rennies. It is essentially live-action roleplaying of a 15th century Faire, and we love it!

Now, now! You knew I was weird when you watched my streams, don’t go getting all freaked out about this, now!

Anyway, these tend to happen on weekends, which will interfere with my regular streaming schedule on Twitch. Although I have worked to minimize the interference as much as possible, I will miss my regular Saturday morning stream a couple of times in mid-June, and miss all of my streams the first weekend in August.

Why? Because we’ll be attending the Oregon Renaissance Faire on June 9th and 16th, which means I’ll be AFK those mornings. I will be back for my Saturday evening streams those days, though, so worry not. But when it comes to the first weekend in August (the 4th and 5th), my Sweetie and I are going to be out-of-town at the Washington Midsummer Renaissance Faire for basically the whole weekend. I’ve booked us a really nice hotel room, so we can drive up a day early, enjoy the Faire on Saturday, then come back to the hotel and relax, soak in a jacuzzi tub, then go home the following morning. Since it is a really long drive, I won’t be streaming on August 4th at all, and probably won’t be streaming on the 5th, either.

But, to make it up to you, I happen to be off all week following that Faire, so there will be streams throughout the following week (except for Friday, August 10th, since we’re going to a wedding that day).

So, what does any of this have to do with the next few weeks? Well, I don’t plan to leave my channel idle during those missed stream sessions! I plan to put up some extra-secret, pre-recorded VODCasts during those slots, instead! And I will be doing some system tests, plus hopefully recordings for those VODCasts over the next few weeks, during the “off times” I would normally be streaming, but aren’t regularly-scheduled times.

Now I know that VODCasts on Twitch are designed with chat interaction in mind, and that’s where the plan doesn’t quite work as well as I’d hope. Since I’ll be at Faire during the Saturday morning sessions, I won’t be able to be in my Chat channel, interacting with viewers as I’d like to be. And those missed sessions in August, I’m effectively on vacation, so I won’t be chatting then, either. At least I don’t plan to be. But I hope you enjoy the pre-recorded VODCasts anyway, and chat with each other during them.

As for the Faires themselves, I do plan on making videos for each of them, and releasing them here as soon as I can after those events. I will likely be using YouTube for this, since Twitch doesn’t keep videos longer than 60 days, and the events themselves can then link to my videos for advertising purposes, if they wish. But they may go up on Twitch, as well, as further VODCasting goodness!

By the way, I might miss a Saturday morning stream or two in September, as my sweetie and I might be attending the Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire. The Knights of Mayhem are reportedly going to be performing, and we’ve never seen them live, so… But that’s not set in stone, so I’ll update you, should this actually occur.

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