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I get it: Y’all don’t like watching me stream ARPGs anymore. Trust me, I understand why. The gameplay is very tedious, once you’ve seen it enough times, and the quests
I get it: Y’all don’t like watching me stream ARPGs anymore. Trust me, I understand why. The gameplay is very tedious, once you’ve seen it enough times, and the quests
Why is Grinding a Thing in MMORPGs anymore, especially when you have effectively levelless systems like ESO, GW2, and the latter parts of WoW? Also, is Rift effectively a dead
So as I posted last week, I’m making some changes with my Twitch livestream schedule and content. Specifically, I am changing the games I play, and not worrying too much
So it’s a new year (Yay!), and so far, things are going pretty damn well for Everyone’s Favorite Red Panda. Sure, there are problems here or there, but things are
If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve started making changes here on the website, as well as on my Twitch channel. These may well have a rather lasting effect on both
So, Trion Worlds was purchased by Gamigo, and their 200+ workforce has been pared down to around 25. Ouch. So what does this mean for “Trove” and their other games