
Early Yule Gifts!

So I got a few new books in the mail over the last week, and I’m very pleased with this! Both of these were backed via Crowdfunding (sort of, anyway), and have been much anticipated titles in this household! First of all, I finally got a nifty collection of zines in the mail, all the […]


End it all, before The End

“We should have burned this city centuries ago” So this is a Thing. You need it. Then you should tear it to shreds. Unless it tears you apart first. “CY_BORG” is an artpunk tabletop roleplaying game about a dying world, and the people struggling to survive there. If that sounds familiar, it should, because that’s […]

Loot Mechanics Podcast


Episode #26 – “MÖRK BORG” earns fairly unanimous TTRPG “Game of the Year” honors, while EA loses their exclusivity deal regarding “Star Wars” games. We discuss. Intro (0:50) – Our week, in brief. Main Topic (6:52) – “MÖRK BORG” gets most prestigious 2020 GotY awards for TTRPGs. Can it compete with the big games in […]