
Leaving the island behind

I’m going to keep this short and sweet: I’m done with “Animal Crossing: New Horizons“. After playing it damn near every day for the last three years and eight months, I have decided to set the game aside, and do something else… Namely, play “Starfield“. Why? Well, I could go into a variety of reasons […]


Delays, Excuses, and Results

As many of you know, I am an avid fan of Kickstarter and Crowdfunding in general, especially when it comes to tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs). My collection of TTRPGs has exploded over the last three years, between print-on-demand services such as Drive Thru RPG and crowdfunding projects. That said, it hasn’t all been wine & […]


Overthinking Things

As many of you already know, I’m a bit of an amateur game designer for tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs). I’ve created quite a few games over the years, but only self-published one, back in the long-ago days before Amazon and DriveThruRPG. It didn’t do very well. Regardless, this is a bit of a passion of […]