So, I have a kilt now.
Specifically, I am the proud owner of a black leather kilt, handmade by the nice folk over at Wylde Phoenix Leather. My Lovely Bride™ and I have been buying custom garb from them for years, and so when they announced they were adding kilts to their inventory, I knew I had to have one.
It’s pretty nice.
The thing is, it can be a little awkward, getting used to the idea of wearing a kilt. When you have grown up always wearing pants, or something along those lines, just the idea of wearing something as different as a kilt can be daunting indeed. But it need not be. They are incredibly comfortable, to be honest, and not really any different than wearing long, loose shorts.
But many men get hung up on the stylistic comparison to skirts, and thus find kilts to be “unmanly”, so they won’t even consider them as a garment choice. Tell a Scortsman that kilts are unmanly. I dare you. I expect they might have a few things to say about it.
You can consider it your ‘education’. All it might cost you is a few teeth.
Anyway, kilts. They’re way comfortable, and I honestly don’t care what anyone has to say about it. Mine is durable, something wearable in all but the most extreme winter weather, and when it comes to my upcoming heart surgery recovery, it should be a very handy garment, indeed. Why? Because it will be a hell of a lot easier to don and doff than pants!
Anyway, everyone always seem obsessed with “how” you’re wearing your kilt. Specifically, they want to know if you’re wearing it “regimental” or not.
Which is to say, sans anything underneath.
Normally, I would wear mine Regimental, but this isn’t your usual kilt, being leather, as opposed to the classic wool they are generally made from. So I choose to forego any potential ball chafing, at least for now. I’m sure there will be days when I let the boys fly free, but that day has not yet come.
Hey, did you know I have a tendency to over-share?