Paring back podcasts?

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Simple question for you all: Should we pare back on the number of podcasts we produce each week?

I’ve been checking over the stats for all three of our podcasts, and one thing has become clear: “Pixels & Dice” has been steadily slipping in popularity, and “Roleplay Domain” is generally stagnant. Sure, we’ve seen a boost in interest since I added all of our shows to Spotify last month, which is nice, but it is primarily helping “Knights of the Tabletop” thus far.

So the question becomes, do we continue to work on the other two shows, or focus on KOTT exclusively, when it comes to podcasts? Because I can totally do that, if that’s what everyone wants.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy all three shows, but if people aren’t interested in “Pixels & Dice” (our gaming news and opinion podcast) or “Roleplay Domain” (my roleplaying/cosplay/renfaire podcast), then we can set them aside. I just need to know what people want, because the stats seem to show flagging interest in everything but KOTT, and I’d like to actually hear from people to see what they think.

So, I’m asking you all for FEEDBACK. We have a place for comments at the bottom of this page, and I’m asking people to provide comments there, stating their opinion one way or the other.

Please. Not trying to beg here, but I really want to know what you think.

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