
Cleaning out the closet

I uninstalled “Lord of the Rings Online” the other day. I also uninstalled every MMORPG on my laptop, including “Anarchy Online, “Elder Scrolls Online, “Neverwinter”, and several more… all except for two: “Guild Wars 2” and “Secret World Legends”. Why those two in particular? Because I have logged into them recently, where the others? Not […]


Going Dark

Okay, folks, things are going to be a bit quiet for a little while on this site. If the schedule has held (for once), I am getting my heart surgery done tomorrow morning. Yes, finally. Anyway, that means a few things. First of all, I’m not going to be writing any blogs for a while, […]


Clip the Clips?

So, I’ve been posting replays and clips from my Twitch channel for quite some time now. When the replays really didn’t gain any traction with folk around here, I dumped them in favor of short Clips. But now pretty much the same can be said about the Clips… No one seems to watch them. Thus […]


Twitch Updates!

Hey, look at that! A BLOG POST! I know, I know… I need to write something here more, rather than relying on pre-generated content such as the podcast. Well, here you go! Anyway, today I’d like to talk a bit about my Twitch endeavors. First of all, I’ve spent the last few weeks not streaming […]


What’s new in ScormeyLand?

GHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Sorry, frustrations at work getting to me. Needed to scream, even if just digitally. Anyway… Hi! It’s been a week, that’s for sure! So let’s talk a bit about the streams coming this weekend, shall we? First, how did the poll go? Well, only a couple of people voted, so there’s that. But I […]