
So, what’s up now?

As you read this, I’m on my annual Halloweenish vacation. We aren’t camping this year, although we really tried to get a cabin or yurt somewhere, but nope… Just didn’t work out this year. Instead, I plan on doing some road trips, and having a good time with the wife and pups this week. So […]


Hurry up and Wait

So, that didn’t take long. Except that it absolutely did. Seven hours. My Lovely Brideā„¢ and I spent seven hours dealing with my exam and consult at my surgeon’s office, including travel time to and from. Due to this, I got no sleep at all, and had to call off from work. Yay, another sick […]


Well, this is inconvenient

Earlier this week I had a specialized CAT-Scan, in order to get the last bits of information needed prior to my upcoming heart surgery. The surgeon wanted to know if I have any arterial plaque built up, so he can clean it out while he’s in sewing closed the defect in my heart. Basically, he’ll […]