
Going Dark

Okay, folks, things are going to be a bit quiet for a little while on this site. If the schedule has held (for once), I am getting my heart surgery done tomorrow morning. Yes, finally. Anyway, that means a few things. First of all, I’m not going to be writing any blogs for a while, […]


Hurry up and Wait

So, that didn’t take long. Except that it absolutely did. Seven hours. My Lovely Brideā„¢ and I spent seven hours dealing with my exam and consult at my surgeon’s office, including travel time to and from. Due to this, I got no sleep at all, and had to call off from work. Yay, another sick […]



Well, it’s done. I had the TEE (Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram), which mapped out the congenital heart defect I found out about last Fall (a hole between the two upper chambers of my heart). This was done to see the exact dimensions of the hole, and whether or not it was suitable for an implant that would […]