
Medical Update

By the time you see this post, I will have learned all about this information for a day or so, but I didn’t want to post officially about it until I had had a chance to absorb it all. So, here you go: My heart’s broken. Apparently, I was born with a congenital heart defect […]


Trying to stay optimistic

So, it’s been a bad few months in the Scormey household. I’ve had some medical issues, that keep snowballing, to the point where things have gotten quite serious. Here’s a brief recap: I contacted my doctor regarding some swallowing issues I was having, specifically choking on small bits of food, and pain in the upper […]



So, we’re blowing things up again. I know, I know… You’ve seen this happen many times before, and I get it. Change is Bad. But this is something I’ve been really needing to do for a while, especially the last couple of months. Anyway, what exactly are we talking about, when I say we’re blowing […]


What’s with all the Podcasts?

I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but I’m involved in making and producing three different podcasts now. Three. On this very website. Every week. That’s a lot of talking. Anyway, for the unobservant of you out there, in addition to the venerable “Pixels & Dice” gaming podcast, hosted by Beoulus and myself, we added […]



I’m tired. The other night I was up for about 31 straight hours, for various reasons, before I got a four hour nap, then right back up for another stretch! This, I might add, was on my weekend. Anyway, eventually I was able to get about eight hours of sleep, but the weariness has yet […]