

So the other day I had a phone appointment with my Cardiothorasic surgeon, regarding my upcoming heart surgery. You know, the long-delayed, much-anticipated but also somewhat feared heart surgery. The one that will fix the Atrial Septum Defect (ASD) I was apparently born with (and have lived with, unknowingly, for the last 51 years), as […]


Hurry up and Wait

So, that didn’t take long. Except that it absolutely did. Seven hours. My Lovely Brideā„¢ and I spent seven hours dealing with my exam and consult at my surgeon’s office, including travel time to and from. Due to this, I got no sleep at all, and had to call off from work. Yay, another sick […]


Well, this is inconvenient

Earlier this week I had a specialized CAT-Scan, in order to get the last bits of information needed prior to my upcoming heart surgery. The surgeon wanted to know if I have any arterial plaque built up, so he can clean it out while he’s in sewing closed the defect in my heart. Basically, he’ll […]


And so it begins…

Well, I heard back from my Cardiologist, and they cannot patch the hole in my heart (officially an Atrial Septal Defect) with the “Easy Way” outpatient patch procedure. It simply won’t work, due to the nature of the defect (it’s too ragged). So my Cardiologist moved on to the next step, which is consulting with […]


Another Medical Update

So, it’s almost the big Holiday season! Let’s talk some more about my health, shall we? First of all, nothing has happened so far this month, mostly because between late November and the end of the year we have a huge amount of holidays, so scheduling just doesn’t work then. But come January, boy howdy, […]