
Looking for Group

So here’s the situation: My last bout of COVID caused significant damage to my vocal chords, which has forced me to make the hard decision to retire my solo Actual-Play podcast, “The Worst Actual-Play Podcast Ever!”. I have it completed through the end of 2024, but had planned to do one more season in 2025. […]



So, last week I published the 71st episode of “Ronin Roleplaying” podcast, not including the two Halloween specials we’ve done to date. In actuality, this article is a bit out-of-date, then, but close enough… This is what you get! What does all of this matter? It really doesn’t for anyone else, I’m sure, but it […]


A Year of Pain

One year ago today, I was lying in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit of an area hospital, having had open heart surgery just the day before. It was a good experience overall, but on that particular day, I was in a drug-induced haze, in order to lessen the massive amount of pain I was in. […]


Too much Horror?

Over the last few months, I’ve been running a lot of tabletop roleplaying game sessions, for the “Knights of the Tabletop” podcast, and I’ve come to realize something important: I’ve been leaning on Horror a bit too much. You see, I’m supposed to be running a fantasy world in “Pugmire”, which for the most part […]