
Too Good To Be True

So the Oregon Renaissance Faire has been cancelled for 2021. I should have known this would happen, to be honest. Despite a good portion of the population having been vaccinated against COVID-19, including My Lovely Bride™ and I, it simply hasn’t been enough. The virus keeps springing back up, hospitalizations are on the rise, and […]


So much for 2020!

Okay, after 15 years of struggle and trauma, we have finally reached the end of 2020! It seems like only 50 years ago that we were bright-eyed Innocents, staring down the threat of World War III, back in January. February wasn’t much better, with the beginning of the COVID-19 panic taking hold, as well as […]


Social Disease

I can’t do Social Media anymore. I just can’t. Oh, I still will read Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, mind you. I need something to do while I’m, shall we say… Indisposed? But that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Everywhere I go, there is nothing but aggravating news stories. Anti-maskers, Science Deniers, and Hardcore […]