
So you say you won’t be playing the new version of D&D…

It’s been well over a year since the “OGL Debacle” happened at Wizards of the Coast, that seriously hurt the “Dungeons & Dragons” brand, and led to the announcement of multiple major TTRPG projects, set to capitalize on D&D’s potential downfall. While there are literally hundreds of new TTRPGs released every year, three in particular are standing out as the ones most likely to steal a lot of the D&D playerbase: “Daggerheart“, “MCDM RPG“, and “Tales of the Valiant“.

All three of these projects have their fans, and bring a lot to the table (pun intended) that might tempt current D&D 5e fans away from their current game, and from buying the new edition of D&D (5.5e? 2024/25? 5e Revised? 6e?), when it starts coming out in September. But I wanted to start a poll, to see what our readers/listeners are interested in. This is an open-ended poll, so feel free to vote, even if you’ve come across this article well after it released. Also, if you choose “Other” as an option, please let us know in the comments at the very bottom of the page what you will be playing instead of D&D later this year, and into 2025 and beyond.

Which Upcoming 'D&D Replacement' Will You Play

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I'm the editor, publisher, and primary "talent" here at

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