Making a big push on Twitch

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Hey, everybody! Just wanted to update y’all on what’s up with the channel this month, aside from the big, month-long Halloween extravaganza, of course. I’ve decided to make a big push to increase Followers and Viewers here, as you’ll see below. My goals for the Twitch channel, through Halloween, are:

  • Total Followers: 200
  • Views in the last 30 days: 1500
  • Average Viewers over the last 30 days: 10
  • Subscribers: 5

Since I technically started these goals in mid-September, we may have already reached at least one of them already (I’m pretty close to 200 Followers, as of writing this post), and if we do reach or exceed one or more of the goals, I’ll update them to a new “stretch” goal. For example, if we meet the goal of 200 Followers well before Halloween, I may tack it up to 250.

Anyway, feel free to jump on Twitch, check out my channel there, join us for some of the weekend Livestreams this month, and help contribute to reaching these goals, if you can. We’ll all have some fun, and you’ll be helping me grow my channel on Twitch at the same time!

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