
Console Supremacy

So this is going to be a bit of a controversial take, but the PC Master Race is dead. Long Live the Console Peasants! Here’s the thing: I have been a longtime member of the PC “Master Race” for decades, as I used to build my own gaming rigs, bought some premade gaming laptops, and […]

Loot Mechanics Podcast

But is it really topical? – Loot Mechanics #354

The last kinda-topical show of 2023! Intro (0:49) – Scormey is Doing The Thing™, while Beoulus plays what he can. Main (2:54) – The Return of “GM/DM Advice”… or something like that. Wrap (48:07) – Thoughts on “Palia”, and whether it is ‘Too little, Too late’. “Alchemists Tower” Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: […]


Leaving the island behind

I’m going to keep this short and sweet: I’m done with “Animal Crossing: New Horizons“. After playing it damn near every day for the last three years and eight months, I have decided to set the game aside, and do something else… Namely, play “Starfield“. Why? Well, I could go into a variety of reasons […]