
What to do, what to do…

So, I had an entirely different article written up and ready to publish today, until things changed a bit last weekend. As you may be aware, I’ve taken the last few weeks off from Livestreaming on Twitch. Partially for my mental health, partially due to burnout, and partially because I just wanted a break. In […]


Blame it on the Switch

So I didn’t do any Livestreaming last weekend. I took the weekend off, to simply relax and wind down, from a rather stressful week at work. Considering this will most likely remain a constant at work for the next few months, coupled with my health issues, I am setting aside my most intensive content creation, […]


Message Received

I get it: Y’all don’t like watching me stream ARPGs anymore. Trust me, I understand why. The gameplay is very tedious, once you’ve seen it enough times, and the quests tend to be repeated basically over and over again. Yet the same can be said about MMORPGs I like to play, such as “Lord of […]



Well, it’s done. I had the TEE (Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram), which mapped out the congenital heart defect I found out about last Fall (a hole between the two upper chambers of my heart). This was done to see the exact dimensions of the hole, and whether or not it was suitable for an implant that would […]


So Much For That Idea

So, I have been trying to Livestream during weekday mornings, starting this week. Unfortunately, it really isn’t working out. Sure, I’ve had some folk drop by to watch me playing “Grim Dawn” the last few days, but most have been members of the Red Panda Brigade who are regulars on my weekend night shows. A […]


Scheduling Conflict?

So, here’s a thought: What if I moved my Livestreaming on Twitch from weekend nights to weekday days? Yes, I know, I know… I’ve tried this before, briefly, and it really didn’t work out. That said, I also wasn’t really prepared for how the change might affect my sleep during the week. Also, I wasn’t […]