
Content is Killing Me!

I have a problem. You see, I go through these cycles. Sometimes I get into moods where I can produce serious amounts of content, be it videos, podcasts, blog entries, whatever. But then there are the Other Times. You know, when I’m sitting here, or a beautiful Saturday morning, looking at my upcoming posts for […]


So much for Winter

Spring has sprung, and I’m pissed. Look, I know it’s the middle of winter, at least according to the calendar. But I look out the window… Nope, that’s not winter. Hell, that’s not even early spring! Birds nesting everywhere. Trees getting ready to explode with leafy goodness. Temperatures in the mid-50’s, with overnight lows in […]


What America Buys?

So I tried to buy a copy of R. Talsorian Games’ tabletop roleplaying game, “The Witcher”, based upon the book series of the same name. It’s first print run is unavailable from the publisher, and the second isn’t coming out for a month or so (NOTE: At the time I made this purchase, no one […]



Well, it’s done. I had the TEE (Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram), which mapped out the congenital heart defect I found out about last Fall (a hole between the two upper chambers of my heart). This was done to see the exact dimensions of the hole, and whether or not it was suitable for an implant that would […]