What I’m Looking For In The Nintendo Switch 2

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Since we don’t know much about the Nintendo Switch 2, I think now might be a good time to engage in some speculation about the hybrid console. I’m not asking for much, but I do have a few… personal expectations… for the Switch 2.

Now then, as a bit of a baseline, let’s talk about what we do know about the system. We know it is larger than the current system, has re-engineered joycons that appear to connect magnetically to the screen, and I expect it is fair to say it will be a more powerful console. That’s not much to go on, but let’s roll with it.

First of all, I expect there will be a new “Animal Crossing” game, either as a release title, or shortly after the NS2 launches. Some might say that isn’t really fair, as “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” didn’t come out until the Switch had been on the market for a full three years, but that was before ACNH was a massive hit. I expect that putting out a follow-up to one of the most enduring and popular Switch games will be a high priority for Nintendo.

Next, I am expecting the NS2 to be at least as powerful as the Playstation 4 and Xbox One, at a minimum. With that in mind, I would be shocked if Bethesda doesn’t release a tuned-down version of “Starfield” for the NS2, much as they are rumored to be working on a full-powered version for the Playstation 5. Yes, it would be asking a lot of Bethesda to release a tuned-down version of “Starfield” for the Switch 2, but not impossible. They already have such a version for the Xbox Series S, all they need to do is lock the graphics to a maximum resolution of 1080p, maybe even 720p, and the game would likely play on the NS2. But since I expect the NS2 will probably produce 2k graphics when attached to the base, it shouldn’t be a big problem to bring “Starfield” to this system.

And yes, I would buy “Starfield” again for the NS2, even if it were locked into lower graphics. Just having the ability to take my “Starfield” adventures on the go with me would be worth the expense. I mean, I already will be bringing “Skyrim” to the NS2 (since it includes backwards compatibility from the Switch), so of course I’ll want “Starfield” there, too.

Since we’ve been talking about graphics upgrades, due to the “Starfield” discussion, where do I think the specs will end up? Personally, I have no idea. I’m sure nVidia has a nifty new graphics chip ready to go for the system. I’m sure it will be something along the lines of their GPUs for mobile devices, and some of them can output in 4k, so it is just a question if Nintendo want to throw that level of graphics power into their new console. Personally, I’d find 4k to be a bit of a stretch, unless it is locked to use while in the base. But I am sure the NS2 will be able to do 1080p graphics, and I would be shocked if it doesn’t do at least 2k while on the base.

Rumors already discuss the NS2 using 12gb of RAM, and 256gb of on-board storage, and that sounds about right. But considering how inexpensive NVMe SSDs are getting, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nintendo slapped a full 500gb of storage on the console. This would match with what the Xbox Series X carries, and would bring Nintendo’s hybrid console at least a bit into the conversation with the current-generation consoles.

Now then, let’s get a little weird. The Nintendo Switch has a few… flaws… including how they handle voice chat while playing with others online. A couple of games allow you to use your phone to voice chat with fellow players, via the Nintendo Switch Online app. This is an annoying and inelegant solution, and one that I hope Nintendo has resolved for the NS2. If I had to guess, I would think that one of the uses for the additional USB-C port on the top of the NS2 might be to connect a headset to. Or, at the very least, to connect a separate wireless headset fob, so the headset traffic is kept off of the Bluetooth connection.

It can be done. Nintendo just needs to have the will to make it happen.

Now, we’ve already seen what appears to be a new “Mario Kart” game being played on the NS2, so I expect that will be a launch title for sure. But what about a pack-in game? The Switch famously does not come with a pack-in game generally, which is unusual for most previous Nintendo consoles. I’m thinking that it will either be a tech demo (along the lines of a follow-up to “1-2-Switch”, which should have been a pack-in game), or something simple-yet-fun. Maybe an updated “Mario Brothers” game, using the same levels but with much better graphics? It doesn’t matter what the game is, just that it is an iconic Nintendo game, and that it wouldn’t be something that would otherwise be selling for millions of dollars.

Nintendo is well known for keeping any game that might sell well on the market, rather than being given away for free.

Anyway, That’s all I have, for now. I am glad that most Switch games are supposed to be playable on the Switch 2. Since the systems will both be using the Nintendo Switch Online service, I expect most games bought off of that service will work on the NS2, as well as most games on physical cards. My hope is that I will be able to carry over my entire Switch library to the NS2, albeit with some potential issues. For example, “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” games are locked to their console, so you aren’t supposed to bring your island from one Switch to another. I expect it will be much the same as playing ACNH on the NS2, which is a shame. My wife won’t be happy about starting a new island over for the third time (once on my Switch, once on her own, and one on the NS2 I’ll be buying her for certain), which is why I’m hoping there will be a new AC game to go with the NS2. At least than my wife will not slit my throat for spending all that money…

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